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Together with Music Family Day - 1st July 2021

For this year's Care Home Open Week, TwM believe that there is no better way to celebrate than to reconnect with your family!

Register for your FREE tickets and share the link with your family!

About this event

We know it's been a really challenging year being away from family and friends BUT, the sun is shining brighter and things are looking up! For this year's Care Home Open Week, we believe that there is no better way to celebrate than to reconnect with your family!

We are hosting a zoom musical party extravaganza at 2pm on Thursday 1st July, where the wonderful Mister Meredith will play songs through the ages to get you moving and grooving with your loved ones and your new Together with Music community connections!

Whether you have already made local intergenerational connections or are just starting your journey, why not use this day as a chance to share music and joy with your loved one as well!

Below we have put together an invite for you to send to family and friends to invite them to this special day (either in person or via Zoom)!

Register for your FREE tickets and share the link with your family!

Bringing generations together through music...

Together with Music is a virtual, intergenerational programme that connects schools, community groups and creatives to their local care homes and older people through music. An innovative partnership between Care England and Intergenerational Music Making (IMM), the project seeks to tackle loneliness and isolation, supporting those living with dementia and creating stronger, healthier, intergenerational communities across the UK. Through music and the act of music making, sustainable and creative connections can be made which will, in turn, build stronger and more integrated communities for years to come. Whilst life is currently filled with many challenges and obstacles, rules and restrictions Together with Music provides unique and creative ways to support those most vulnerable. Social distancing does not mean isolation. It starts with a Song... A Together with Music relationship, supported by your local TwM Connector, begins with the virtual exchange of a song. Activities then broaden out with shared messages of hope, penpal relationships and more music, culminating with an intergenerational meet and greet, bringing together the older and younger generations. Once you are a member, you will have access to the Member Zone, full of free creative resources, live sessions and the biggest UK wide Intergenerational network! It couldn’t be simpler to become a member and it is FREE!

Await approval of your membership and introduction from your TwM Connector

Start by sharing your song!



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