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Sign-up as Member!

Are you a care home, school, faith group, or community group who would like to get involved in Together With Music?


If you are an individual and would like to share a song, please do get in contact with us here as we would love to hear from you

Simply fill out the form below with your organisations details. Once completed, a TwM connector will review your details and approve your account.

Once your registration has been approved. You'll receive an email confirming that you can now access our Member Zone and your unique Member Profile.

Organisation Type

Address *

Important: Start typing in your address, then 'select your address from dropdown' list shown.

Sign up Email Address *

Important:  This email address will always be needed for accessing your member pages on the website. 


Please remember your email login and password details below for accessing your member profile later once your membership is approved!

We value your privacy

You only need to tick the checkbox below if you are happy for your videos and photos to be used outside of the members area of the website.  e.g.  Social Media, YouTube and BBC.  You can change these settings at a later stage if you wish.

Required Agreement

These checkboxes below need to be ticked as part of your agreement to sign up as a TwM Member


The email address that has been used to sign-up the account cannot be changed after you have registered your organisation. This email address will always be needed when accessing your member pages.  


Once your membership has been approved you will be able to easily edit and update your other profile and contact details at any time.

Register Your Organisation!

Please check you have filled in this form correctly, and then try registering again.

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