Our Partners & Sponsors
This programme has only been made possible by the support of our partners and sponsors.

Want to become a Sponsor?
The TwM network of support consists of care, health and education organisations, musicians, MPs, celebrities, music industry, hospitals, care homes, sheltered accommodation, schools plus family and friends!
We want to hear your voice and invite you to join and support the TwM programme spreading the word that intergenerational music making is vital in creating connections, collaborations and healthy communities.
With your support together we can champion the power of music, paired with partnership and community to change lives and improve wellbeing for all generations in an inclusive and integrated way.
To help support please:
Become a TwM champion and supporting partner
Use our TwM social sharing buttons to show your support on social
Share your story of why intergenerational music making is important to you
Submit a blog, piece of research or musical resource to add to the TwM resource toolkit.
Sign up to the TwM steering group
For more information please get in touch!