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Are you going to Scarborough Fair?


ELC Instrumental Music Service and Countess of Wessex String Orchestra - Scarborough Fair

Our friends at the East Lothian Council Music Service shared this fantastic video of the Countess of Wessex String Orchestra performing a very special rendition of 'Scarborough Fair'. A truly heart warming and goosebump inducing performance!

East Lothian Instrumental Music Service currently employs 19 highly qualified Instrumental Instructors and provides Instrumental tuition to pupils in both primary and secondary schools across the authority. Pupils are offered the opportunity to learn brass, woodwind, strings, percussion, piano, guitar and pipes with our experienced and inspiring Instructors. All our instructors are fully PVG checked and carry out regular safeguarding training.

All tuition is offered from Primary 4 onwards, with the exception of percussion tuition, which starts from Secondary 1.

The service aims to:

  • provide equal opportunities of access for all pupils to experience the expressive and creative qualities of music through learning to play an instrument

  • to help as many pupils as possible to realise their full musical potential through the playing of an instrument

You can find out more here



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